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Explore the sacred lake Yamdrok Yongcuo in Tibet
Tibet is a mysterious land, famous for Yamdrok Yongcuo Lake containing up to million tons of carp, but no one dares to eat… ==================================================== People have great faith in the three holy lakes of Manasavovar, Namtso and Yamdork Yongcou. They believe that these lakes are the source of life in Tibet. Among them, Yamdork Yongcuo Lake has consumed paper and ink of many presses to praise its beauty. The lake is likened to a jade located on the Shannan plateau.
In the bed of Yamdork Yongcuo Lake, fish stocks are up to millions of tons, especially highland species, eels and other rare species. However, Tibetans are not interested in eating fish and do not catch fish in the lake. They revere and even take care of them. 📌About Yamdork Yongcuo Lake Yamdork Yongcuo Lake easily captures the hearts of explorers because of its indescribable beauty. The lake is calm with clear water contrasting with the sky.
Lake Yamdork looks like an earring when viewed from above. The total area is about 670 km2, with a depth of 30 to 60m. When you step foot here, you seem to let go of your sorrows, and release your soul into nature to understand the core of life.
Tibetans believe that Yamdork Yongcuo Lake has a connection with their lives. Walking along the lakeshore, you will see piles of mani, which are tools used to conduct ancient rituals to ward off evil spirits and pray for blessings.
Yamdork Yongcuo Lake retains its pristine appearance as Tibet is one of the few holy places untouched by industrialization. 📌Why don't Tibetans eat fish in Yamdork Yongcuo Lake? According to research from field surveyors, the lake is large enough to hold millions of tons of fish. In addition, carp is a species with strong reproductive ability, so population growth is understandable.
Lake Yamdork possesses huge fish reserves, bringing high economic value. This is the "treasure" that nature gives. Yet the Tibetans do not fish here. Let's solve this mystery together! 📌Fish of the Gods The Tibetans believe that the carp is the pet of the gods and is also the mascot of the holy lake Yamdork. They will not eat animals with spiritual value.
📌Tibetan burial custom Each country will have different burial customs such as ground burial, cremation, and tree burial. But for Tibetans, water burial is considered the first choice.
Tibetans consider Yamdork Lake to be a holy lake, so of course, this will be the place where they leave their bodies when they pass away. For this reason, would you still dare to eat fish in the lake? 📌Tibetan eating habits Tibetans revere fish, so they are not eager to enjoy fish dishes. With a long history of breeding, they give preference to dishes from yak beef and lamb.
Yamdork Lake has attracted many tourists to visit every year because of its pristine beauty, full of attractions. Currently, Yamdork is strongly exploited for hydroelectric energy to help improve the lives of people here. Cre: Wanderlust Tips | Cnet #$gnal$#


  • Pages Coleson
    Pages Coleson
    A lonely location indeed. But it looks so serene.
    • Haha

    • Reply
    • 2 years ago
    • Hanks Lola
      Hanks Lola
      my spiritual master say: better few sincere disciples, than a crowd of insincere materialists people...
      • Haha

      • Reply
      • 2 years ago
      • Nice Alice
        Nice Alice
        This must be really old footage because today it’s under about 60 feet of water. Too bad the three gorges dam is a total failure.
        • Haha

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